

30 Interesting Facts About Yekaterinburg

Yekaterinburg is one of the most powerful cities in Russia, where various industries are developed really well. It grows rapidly, and it has long been ranked 4th in terms of population among all Russian cities.


35 Interesting Facts About Novosibirsk

The Russian city of Novosibirsk is one of the largest localities in the vast expanse of Siberia. It isn’t really popular among tourists, but it is one of the industrial and economic centers of Russia.


55 Interesting Facts About Cairo

Cairo is a real oasis in the vast desert. This bustling city is the heart of Egypt, and its history goes back to ancient times. Cairo is the cultural and economic center of the entire region nowadays, and millions of people adore this city for its oriental charm.


35 Interesting Facts About Caracas

The capital of Venezuela, Caracas, is on the list of the most dangerous cities in the world. Extremely high unemployment rate and poverty have led to an unprecedented increase in crime, and most of the city is a slum that lives by its own laws nowadays.


25 Interesting Facts About Johannesburg

Wanna visit Johannesburg? This is one of the most interesting cities of South Africa, but it isn’t safe unfortunately… Constantly increasing crime rate, street gangs, tense criminal situation – that’s the face of modern Johannesburg.


30 Interesting Facts About Jakarta

Jakarta is able to shock an unprepared traveler. This city seems to live its own hectic and noisy life, and it is not easy to understand the local realities. The bustling and densely populated capital of Indonesia has a unique charm, and it does not leave anyone indifferent. It’s either loved or not.

Mexico City

25 Interesting Facts About Mexico City

Mexico City is very bright and colorful, and many tourists fall in love with it at first sight. Some of neighborhoods here are unsafe, but nothing bad would happen to a curious guest if you follow basic precautions. This magnificent city is worth visiting at least once.


15 Interesting Facts About Bucharest

The ancient city of Bucharest is not very popular among tourists, but why? Its streets literally breathe history, and spending a vacation or at least a weekend here is a great idea, especially if you’re more into culture than into beaches and tropical paradise.

Facts about Luanda

12 Interesting Facts About Luanda

Luanda, the capital of the african country Angola, is perhaps the most contrasting city in the world. Luxury is next to destitution here, wealth is next to poverty.

Interesting facts about Cusco

12 Interesting Facts About Cusco

The ancient city of Cusco is attractive for tourists who are not afraid of the Peruvian jungle and potential robberies. There are priceless monuments of the Inca Empire nearby.

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