Facts about Exoplanets

11 Interesting Facts About Exoplanets

If we assume that the universe is infinite, then there are infinite stars and planets orbiting around them. Even today, scientists have discovered thousands of Exoplanets hurtling in their orbits in light-years from Earth.

Top amazing facts about Exoplanets

  • Exoplanets (extrasolar planets) are any planets located in another star system.
  • More than 2000 exoplanets are discovered already.
  • Extraterrestrial life probably exists on the Exoplanet Kepler 186-F. This planet is located in the habitable zone of its star and it’s only slightly larger than Earth. But Kepler 186 is located 490 light-years away.
  • Located 15 light-years away, the Exoplanet Gliese 832-C is also potentially habitable, but it is 5.4 times larger than Earth. A year there lasts 36 days.
  • The oldest known Exoplanet is Kapteyn-B located in the red dwarf system 13 light-years from Earth. Its age is about 11.5 billion years.
  • Kepler 78-B has almost the same size as Earth, but it orbits 90 times closer to its star. The temperature on the surface of this Exoplanet is 2700-5400 °F (1500-3000 °C).
  • At least 7 Exoplanets orbit the star named HD 10180, but there could be 2 more.
  • The hottest known exoplanet is WASP-33B, with a surface temperature of about 5800 °F (3,200 °C)
  • The Exoplanet closest to Earth is Alpha Centauri C b located 4.2 light-years from our Solar System. By the way, Alpha Centauri C b is potentially habitable (check 70 facts about Solar System).
  • Earth-like exoplanet Kepler 238-B may once have been theoretically habitable, but the powerful radiation of its star turned it into a radioactive wasteland.
  • The wild wind blows at a speed of over 28.000 feet per second (8.500 meters per second) on the Exoplanet HD 189733b.

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