
Why Alaska Was Sold To The US?

The sale of Alaska from Russia to the United States in 1867 was a significant event in the history of both nations. But why did Russia sell Alaska to the US and why the US decided to purchase the territory?

Why Russia Sold Alaska

Russia’s decision to sell Alaska to the United States was primarily driven by economic considerations. At the time, Alaska was seen as a remote and largely unexplored region with few economic prospects. Russia was facing financial difficulties, and the cost of maintaining such a distant colony was becoming a burden. In addition, the Russian government was concerned about the possibility of conflict with Britain over control of the region.

Why the US Bought Alaska

The United States was interested in buying Alaska for a number of reasons. First, there was a growing interest in expanding the country’s territory westward. This territory was seen as a potential gateway to the Pacific and an important strategic location for maintaining access to the region. Second, there were significant natural resources there, including gold, timber, and fish. The United States saw the potential for economic development in the region.

Purchase of Alaska
Alaska landscape

Negotiations and Purchase

Negotiations between Russia and the United States began in 1859, but it was not until 1867 that a deal was reached. The purchase price was $7.2 million, or roughly two cents per acre. The purchase was controversial at the time, with critics derisively referring to the acquisition as “Seward’s Folly,” after Secretary of State William Seward, who negotiated the deal.

Impact of the Sale

The sale of Alaska had a significant impact on both Russia and the United States. For Russia, it represented a withdrawal from the Pacific region and a recognition that the country could not maintain a colony so far from its home territory. For the United States, it represented an important expansion of its territory and access to the Pacific. In the years that followed, this territory became an important source of natural resources, including gold, timber, and oil.


In conclusion, the sale of Alaska from Russia to the United States was driven by economic considerations on both sides. Russia was facing financial difficulties and saw little economic value in the region, while the United States saw the potential for economic development and strategic advantage. The purchase of Alaska had a significant impact on both nations, with the US expanding its territory and Russia withdrawing from the Pacific region.

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